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Nuffnang Contest - Design Youth Credit Card

Is not always Nuffnang organize a design contest and is also not always I feel like joining a design contest. Wish me luck

Credit Card Name: U! Desire

Design Philosophy:
If given one word to describe youth today, I would choose "Dynamic" and I believe the one thing to describe youth dynamic is street dance. Obvious the card design is inspire by street dance move and music. The random line at the background represent the music and beat, which suppose to lift your mood, high!. By holding the card you already feel like moving your body and start dance hip hop already.

As for the colour tone, I used a brighter and lighter tone, unique compare to other cards offer by local bank. I believe the bright and light tone always show the young and dynamic while the darker tone portrait strong and mature which does not speak the youth language. 

The card name U! Desire == Youth Desire. The alphabet 'U' does sound like youth, in a way. The name of the card would bring the message, the card is able to help you get what you desired, mental and material.

Last but not least, use your credit card wisely.


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