Director: Dante Lam Cast: Nick Cheung, Eddie Peng, Andy On Synopsis: Fai (Nick Cheung), once a world champion in boxing, escapes to Macau from the loan sharks and unexpectedly encounters Qi (Eddie Peng), a young chap who is determined to win a boxing match. Fai becomes Qi’s mentor and rediscovers his passion to fight not only in the ring but for his life and the ones he cares. credit from Like MMA fighting, could be one of the best, thumb up Nick Cheung, I believe I do not need to elaborate more Crystal Lee (an up-rising very young Malaysian artist), supporting local artist I personally felt that the movie did a great job promoting Macau by displaying the best of Macau and Macau's slums that I believe most tourist would not notice. Not like No major dislike but wish that Nick Cheung MMA fight could be mo...