Genre: Action Director: Justin Lin Cast: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Michelle Rodriguez Running Time: 130 minutes Synopsis: Agent Hobbs enlists the aid of Dom and team to help bring a rival gang, led by Owen Shaw, to justice. In exchange for clear records, they must put an end to their schemes, no matter how personal the cost. Building on the worldwide blockbuster success of Fast Five and taking the action, stunts and narrative to even greater heights, Fast & Furious 6 sees director Justin Lin back behind the camera for the fourth time. Like: Cars, Sexy Babe, extremely awesome action Not Like: Predictable endings, maybe not the betrayal of Riley, Hobbs assistance ... and the Tokyo Drift ending My Thought: Don't think, just go and watch it. could be the best Fast & Furious franchise ever. Looking forward for Fast 7, with Jason Statham joining as the villain? or another driver?